1. These Regulations set out the rules for making transactions in the online store available at, operated by SAINT-BODY Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office in Warsaw, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XII Economic Division of the National Court Register, under the number 0000618297, share capital in the amount of PLN 5,000, NIP 525-265- 98-47, REGON 364476858.
    2. Regulations are an integral part of the sales contract between the Seller and the Buyer.
    3. All product prices indicated in the Online Store are expressed in Polish zloty and are gross prices.
    4. Information about the Products constitutes an invitation to conclude an offer, in accordance with Article 71 of the Civil Code.


    For the purposes of the Regulations, the following meaning of the terms used is adopted:

    Registration Form - a form available on the Online Store allowing you to create an Account.

    Order Form - an electronic service; a form available on the Online Store that allows the Customer to place an Order, in particular by adding the Product to a virtual shopping cart and specifying the terms of the Sales Agreement.

    Entrepreneur on the rights of a Consumer - a Customer who is a natural person concluding a Sales Contract directly related to his/her business activity, when the content of the Sales Contract shows that it does not have a professional character for this Entrepreneur, resulting in particular from the subject of his/her business activity, made available on the basis of the provisions on the Central Register and Information on Business Activity.

    Customer - a natural person with full legal capacity, a legal person or an organizational unit that is not a legal person, to which separate regulations grant legal capacity, placing an Order in the Online Store. Consumer - a natural person making a legal transaction with an entrepreneur that is not directly related to his/her business or professional activity.  

    Account - an electronic service; a collection of resources in the Service Provider's electronic system, marked with an individual name (login) and password, provided by the Client, where the data provided by the Client and information about the Orders made by him are collected.

    Civil Code - the law of April 23, 1964. - Civil Code.

    Product - a movable item available in the Online Store that is the subject of sale between the Customer and the Seller.

    Regulations - these Regulations.

    Online Store- an online store operated by the Seller at the Internet address:

    Seller, Service Provider - Saint-Body Limited Liability Company based in Warsaw, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XII Commercial Department of the National Court Register, under the number 0000618297, share capital of 5,000 PLN, NIP 525-265-98- 47, REGON 364476858.

    Sales Contract - a contract of sale of a Product concluded between the Seller and the Customer through the Online Store.

    Electronic Service - a service provided electronically by the Service Provider to the Customer through the Online Store. Customer - a natural person, a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, who uses the Electronic Service. Consumer Rights Act - the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws 2014.827).

    Order - the Customer's declaration of intent made via the Order Form, aimed directly at concluding a contract of sale of the Product with the Seller.


    1. The following Electronic Services are available on the Online Store:The use of Electronic Services by the Customer is free of charge.
      1. Account
      2. Order Form
    2. The Electronic Service in the form of an Order Form is a one-time service, its provision is terminated when the Customer places an Order through the Order Form or when the Order through the Order Form is discontinued earlier.
    3. The Customer's use of the Order Form begins when the Customer adds the first Product to the virtual shopping cart in the Online Store.
    4. The Electronic Service in the form of an Account is provided for an indefinite period of time. The Customer has the option to cancel the use of the Account at any time, without giving any reason, by sending the Customer a statement of cancellation.
    5. The use of the Account by the Customer is possible after completing the Registration Form and pressing the "Register" button. In the Registration Form, it is necessary for the Customer to provide the following data: first and last name, residential address, e-mail address, contact number, password to access the Account. In the case of Service Recipients who are not Consumers, it is also necessary for them to provide Tax Identification Number and company name.


    1. The Online Store accepts Orders placed online 24 hours a day on all days of the week. Orders placed on Saturdays, holidays and bank holidays will be processed on the first business day following the day the order is placed.
    2. Placing an order in the Online Store is also possible without the Customer permanently registering his/her data by creating an Account.
    3. In order to place an Order, the Buyer is required to take the following actions:The contract of sale between the Customer and the Seller is concluded when the selection of Products is approved with the button "Order with obligation to pay".
      1. select the products that are the subject of the order by pressing the "Add to cart" button,
      2. From the cart view, press the "Realize Payment" button.
      3. Promotions in the Online Store are not combinable, unless the terms and conditions of a particular promotion state otherwise.
    4. Each Order placed will be confirmed by an e - mail message about its acceptance.
    5. Until you approve the selection of Products with the button "Order with obligation to pay", the Customer has the opportunity to modify the contents of the shopping cart and contact details for shipping.
    6. The information provided by the Customer in the course of placing the Order should be true and up-to-date. The Seller reserves the right to refuse the execution of the Order in case the data provided by the Customer is inaccurate and prevents the execution of the Order, in particular the possibility of delivery. Before refusing to process an Order, the Seller will attempt to contact the Customer by phone or e-mail to determine the correct data.
    7. The sales contract is concluded in Polish or English, according to the Customer's choice indicated in the course of placing the Order.

    § 5 PAYMENTS.

    The Seller provides the Customer with the following methods of payment for the Order: 

    1. The customer can pay for the ordered goods through an external payment system imoje, operated by ING Bank Śląski Są. based in Katowice.
    2. Payment via Stripe ( Apple Pay ), under the terms and conditions of the service, available on the website
    3. The order should be paid within 48 hours from the date of placing the Order. Failure to pay the Order within the aforementioned period shall be considered a withdrawal from the sales contract by the Customer.
    4. Payment by traditional transfer in case of payment error of the above available options. Payment should be made to the Seller's bank account, held by ING Bank Slaski, with the number: 50105010121000009226171388. In the case of payment by traditional transfer, in the title of the transfer it is necessary to write the name / surname of the Customer and the order number provided to the Customer in the e-mail confirming the Order. It is also necessary to inform the store about the payment made in this way, by sending a confirmation generated from the bank's online banking. The confirmation should be sent in a return email to the email address: 


    1. The execution of the Order consists in its preparation for shipment to the address provided by the Customer.
    2. In the case of Orders paid by online prepayment (imoje, traditional Internet transfer), the start of the Order may be delayed until the entire amount of the sales price is credited to the Seller's bank account.
    3. An order is considered completed when the Order is delivered to the address specified in the Form.
    4. The detailed lead time of the Order is indicated each time in the Product description.
    5. The Seller will inform the Client about the preparation of the Order by e-mail sent to the Client's e-mail address. Once the Order is prepared, the Seller will begin shipping the Order to the Customer, which will also be informed by e-mail. 


    1. Orders are delivered to the address indicated by the Customer in the course of placing the Order.
    2. All Orders are delivered by insured courier service.
    3. The expected delivery time to the customer is 2 (two) business days.
    4. If the Customer chooses payment by bank transfer, electronic payment or payment card - from the date of crediting the Seller's bank account or settlement account.


    1. The Buyer (Consumer and Entrepreneur on the rights of the Consumer) has the right to withdraw in writing from the concluded contract without giving any reason within 14 (in words: fourteen) days, from the date of conclusion of the contract on the basis of the Law of May 30, 2014. (Journal of Laws 2014, item 827, as amended) In case of written withdrawal from the contract, the Customer is obliged to return the goods within 14 (in words: fourteen) 
      The entitlement mentioned above also applies to a natural person - Entrepreneur on the rights of the Consumer, entering into a contract directly related to its business activities, when from the content of this contract shows that it does not have a professional character for this person, resulting in particular From the object of its business activity, made available under the provisions of the On Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity.
    2. The deadline for withdrawal from the Sales Contract expires after 14 days from the day on which the Customer took possession of the Product, or on which a third party other than the carrier and indicated by the Customer took possession of the Product.
    3. The deadline for withdrawal from the Sales Agreement is observed if the Customer sent a statement of withdrawal from the Sales Agreement before the expiration of the deadline for withdrawal from the Sales Agreement.
    4. The Customer shall return the Products that are the subject of withdrawal from the Sales Agreement immediately, and in any case no later than within 14 (fourteen) days from the day on which he informed the Seller about the withdrawal from the Sales Agreement.
    5. The Customer shall bear the direct costs of returning the Products.
    6. The Seller will return to the Customer, within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Consumer's statement of withdrawal from the Sales Agreement, all payments made by the Consumer.
    7. The seller will refund the payment using the same method of payment used by the customer, unless the customer has expressly agreed to a different method of refund that does not involve any costs for the customer.
    8. The address to which the Customer will return the Product is: Saint-Body Sp. z o.o., 2/43 Żurawia Street, 00-503 Warsaw, Poland.


    1. The seller is obliged to provide the customer with goods free of defects.
    2. The Seller is responsible to the Customer if the sold Product has a physical or legal defect (warranty for defects), according to the principles set forth in Article 556 and following of the Civil Code.
    3. Any Product that is the subject of a Sales Agreement, having defects that constitute its non-compliance with the Sales Agreement, may be complained about with observance of the terms and conditions of complaint resulting from the relevant provisions of law.
    4. SAINT-BODY Limited Liability Company shall be liable to the Consumer and the Entrepreneur in accordance with the rights of the Consumer for the lack of conformity of the Goods with the contract of sale existing at the time of delivery and revealed within two years from the moment of delivery or the expiration of the minimum shelf life of the Goods. 
    5. SAINT-BODY Limited liability company 
    6. Complaints should be addressed to the Seller's address: Saint-Body Sp. z o.o., 2/43 Żurawia St., 00-503 Warsaw.
    7. The Seller undertakes to process the complaint within 14 days from the date of receipt of the shipment containing the advertised Product.


    1. A customer who is a Consumer has the option of using the following out-of-court means of handling complaints and pursuing claims:The proceedings referred to in paragraph 1 above are voluntary, and both parties to the dispute must agree to conduct them.
      1. requesting mediation proceedings from the Provincial Inspector of Trade Inspection (,
      2. requesting that the case be heard by the Permanent Consumer Arbitration Court operating at the relevant Regional Inspectorate of Trade Inspection,
      3. to turn to the Municipal Consumer Ombudsman for help in protecting consumer interests and rights (e.g. Free assistance to consumers in protecting their rights is also provided by social organizations, such as the Consumer Federation.
    2. A Customer who is a Consumer has the right to use an out-of-court dispute resolution and redress of grievances in the form of the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) interactive platform, in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No. 524/2013 of May 21, 2013 on online consumer dispute resolution and amending Regulation (EC) No. 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/EC, hereinafter referred to as the "ODR Regulation".


    1. The administrator of personal data is the Seller.
    2. Placing an Order is tantamount to the Customer's consent to the collection and processing of the Customer's personal data by the Seller for purposes related to the conclusion and performance of the Sales Agreement.
    3. The Seller has the right to collect and process the Customer's personal data also for marketing and promotional purposes, with the prior consent of the Customer expressed at the stage of placing the Order.
    4. The customer has the right to inspect the personal data provided by him, correct it and request its deletion at any time.


    1. The administrator of the Personal Data is the Seller.
    2. Personal data provided by the Customer is used only for the purpose of proper operation of the Online Store to the extent specified in these Regulations and is not shared or disclosed to third parties. The Seller takes special care to respect the privacy of Customers.
    3. The Client, by using the Online Store, agrees to the processing of personal data to the extent that allows the Service Provider to properly and fully perform its services.
    4. A customer using the Online Store has the right to inspect the personal data he/she has provided, to modify it, and to request the discontinuation of its processing at any time.
    5. The online store uses cookies to improve the processing of personal data.


    1. Matters not covered by these Regulations shall be governed by generally applicable provisions of Polish law, in particular: Civil Code, Consumer Rights Act and other special laws applicable to the operations and functioning of the Store.
    2. Photographs of the Products and information about the Products posted on the website. Are subject to copyright protection. It is forbidden to copy and distribute them, without the permission of the Seller.
    3. These Regulations are effective as of the date of publication on the Online Store's website, i.e. June 1, 2016.

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